You can access Wi-Fi at Lanzarote Airport while waiting for your flight.
Please ensure that you connect to the correct network. Pease see the instructions below for details.

How to connect to Lanzarote Airport Wifi

Follow these basic steps to connect your electronic device to Lanzarote Airport wifi services:

  1. Go to settings and connect to Wi-Fi on your mobile phone, tablet, or laptop. To do this, click ‘Settings’, then click ‘Wi-Fi’ to turn it on. Your device will now automatically search for available Wi-Fi networks. This may be found in ‘ Connections ‘ on some Android devices, such as Samsung, Google Pixel and Motorola.’
  2. Choose the “Airport Free wifi Aena” network.
  3. Now type “” in your browser and click ‘confirm’
  4. You can log in with your email, Facebook or LinkedIn account once you’re on the Airport wifi welcome page.
  5. Finally, complete your login information by reading and accepting the conditions.